SFI moves on with important initiatives into the new year 2023
During International Green Week in Berlin, various events were held in the framework of the Global Forum on Food and Agriculture to further align the…
Brief information about SFI project activities
During International Green Week in Berlin, various events were held in the framework of the Global Forum on Food and Agriculture to further align the…
Despite serious shortages and cut-offs of internet networks German and Ukrainian experts of National Forest Inventory met during an online meeting, held on 14.12.2022. Heino…
On October 25, 2022, the SFI project organised an online meeting on “Implementation of remote sensing methods for conducting a forest inventory in Ukraine”. The…
On 12.09.2022 experts of SFI project, Bernd Wippel, Vitaly Storoshuk and Volker Sasse met with the vice-head of forest administration of Ivano Frankivska Oblast, Roman…
Bernd Wippel and Volker Sasse, experts of SFI project, visited 11.09.2022 Ukrainian forests to get acquainted with the progress of National Forest Inventory (NFI) and…
Despite serious shortages, caused by the ongoing war, State Forest Management Planning Agency (SFMPA ) and its Centre for National Forest Inventory (CNFI) organized end…
On July 8, 2022 more than 60 forestry specialists, mainly forestry engineers from state forestry enterprises, participated online in a regular professional development course, organized…
During his working trip to Ukraine on 10.06.2022, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Cem Özdemir, visited the Ukrainian State Forest Management Planning Association…
From May 26 to June 09, 2022, the National Forest Inventory Center headed by Oleksandr Shevchuk, Head of the CNFI, conducted collective training of the…
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